How Sharing Your Location Can Put Your Safety at Risk

Every day on social networks we share an incredible amount of information about ourselves, and about people close to us, very often unconsciously. One of the most commonly shared information that almost everyone overlooks is sharing your current location according to TIM Data Recovery Toronto. Every social network in one way or another encourages us to write where we are at the moment. On Facebook, when we write status, a friendly message pops up that encourages us to “share with friends” where we are. 

Snapchat broadcasts the current location, without question. All the people we have as friends on that app can know where we are at any time. There is even a rule on Instagram that we must mark the place where we eat, drink coffee or go to training, so that the owners of those places can share this on their profiles that are followed by hundreds of thousands of people. The question of location is not raised often, so most people are not aware of the dangers that this information can expose us to. 

When we mark the cafe where we are sitting, we have not only shared that information with our friends, but with the whole world. This is especially dangerous if it is a child. The predator can check exactly where the child is sitting, how many friends he or she is with in a given location, and he can also guess how long he will stay and which way he will go home. A predator does not have to attack a child when he leaves the bar or from training, he can do it in the toilet of a cafe or shopping center. 

It is very important to explain to children that they should never share their location on social networks while they are at a given location. We need to raise awareness about this problem, because our child does not have to be the one who will share where he is. It can be anyone from a group of friends. Talk to your children and introduce them to the dangers. Explain to them that, if it is important to them that their friends know where they have been, they can tag the store, cafe or playroom in the photo they will post when they return home, and when they know they are safe. Sharing a location is not safe for adults either, who know how to be as reckless as children about this issue. There are numerous accidents where parents, by marking the location, clearly emphasized that they are not at home and thus directly exposed their children to danger who are alone, or will be alone when they return from school. In this way, the parents contributed to the robberies of their own homes and the kidnappings of their children, without having any bad intentions. Social networks have accustomed us to “brag” about where we are at the moment. Find us on BrownBook and SaleSpider.

Why Service Providers Would Need Appliance-Free Backup

The digital era has given a lot of advances in business. There are a lot of companies that can establish themselves better because of the recent changes. There is one disadvantage though – it is also easier for companies to lose critical data. There are also times when companies would lose data because their data has been stolen. This is not something that you want to happen to you. If this happens to you, you can look for hard drive data recovery services Toronto. There are more details that are available when you check Google Maps.

What Happens When Companies Lose Data?

It can be very problematic when companies lose data. The more established companies are, the harder it will be for them. There is always a chance that they would lose a large amount of data. There is one solution: to make sure that they have a robust and comprehensive recovery measures. Make sure that all the data will have proper backup. The more secure the data is, the better. Finding a company that can do hard disk recovery services Toronto will help too. More details are available when you check Hotfrog for more details.

Advantages of Getting Appliance-Free Backup

Do you know that having cloud backups will have a lot of pros? You need to be familiar with these pros so that you will know if this is something that your company needs too:

  • Cost – The costs that you must pay will be far lesser as compared to having a filing cabinet and storing all of your data there. With a cloud, you just need physical backup appliance. You also do not need to spend any money on maintaining or expanding the appliance.
  • Flexibility – You need to remember that getting all of the required data does not need to be done physically anymore. There is only going to be one link wherein all the data will be extracted. There can also be specifications on who will be allowed to access the different available files. Those who are not given access will not get the files at all.
  • Try the Cloud Before Purchasing – There are a lot of cloud solutions right now that will allow you to try their product for a certain number of days before you purchase it fully. This will let you know if you are happy with the features that they offer or not.

Impact of Data Loss on Data Servers

There are still some companies who may have traditional backup solutions but trying out a modern one will help a lot too. You can always look for a data recovery service in Toronto if you lose data. Just remember that they need to be good. The moment that they try to recover the data and they are unable to do so, the chances of recovering the data will become smaller.

Expect Fast Backups with Appliance-Free Data Solutions

One of the things that you can expect with an appliance-free data solution is you do not have to worry anymore about waiting for a long time before you recover your data. If in case you are finding it complicated to get the right data, you can always search for a company that provides data recovery services Toronto. The sooner that you contact them, the better.

Email Data Security Risks You Need To Know About

Even though the technology is constantly evolving and changing how we use computers and smart devices, one thing is certain: cybercriminals and hackers are still targeting people by sending large volumes of “spammy” and “phishing” emails every day. Some of the malicious things that can be found in these emails are trojans, ransomware, viruses, and malware.


How can you protect yourself? By using these data security best practices to keep your device and data safe.

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How to Determine if Data Recovery is Needed

Taking It Mobile Data Recovery Toronto of data recovery is determined after initial diagnostics is performed and depends entirely on the data recovery work performed on the media. The cost of different data recovery cases may vary significantly.

hard drive data recovery service

Recovering information after formatting

There are two basic types of hard disk formatting in modern operating systems. These are the so-called fast formatting and full formatting.

When the hard disk or one of its partitions is formatted quickly, only the file system is reset, and the data itself remains intact and stored. In this case, data recovery is possible if, of course, nothing after formatting is recorded on the media. But even if the disc is properly recorded after formatting, there is a chance that the data that is valuable is left over and can be recovered.

It is quite another case of full formatting. With this type of formatting, ‘0’ is stored in each sector of the device. In this case, data recovery is not possible.

Recover corrupted files

The file consists of a chain of bits, and if some pieces of data have been lost for some reason, the program that should open the file cannot open it, giving an error when opening it. In this case, a document consisting of approximately two hundred pages of text cannot be read, but using the file recovery process, one hundred and eighty pages can be restored, for example, which is much more than nothing.

Recovering from HDD Hard Drives

The hard disk drive (HDD) consists of an airtight unit and a controller. In the airtight unit are magnetic spraying discs (where all the information is actually stored), above which the magnetic heads are mounted. There is also an engine that rotates the disc and a controller for controlling the magnetic heads that is mounted outside the disc. All hard disk failures fall into two categories, physical and logical.

Hard Disk Drive (HDD) Recovery for Physical Malfunctions:

– damage to the engine or its bearings;
– bonding the magnetic heads to the surface of the disk;
– destruction of the magnetic surface of the disk;
– disruption of the positioning of the magnetic heads or their breaking;
– damage to the control mechanism of the magnetic heads.

Hard Disk Drive Recovery (HDD) for logical failures:

– occurrence of errors in the partition table;
– errors in file system structures;
– incorrect recording of information;
– virus action.

In the event of such damage, the recovery of information is carried out by means of programs or software-hardware complexes.

Flash card information recovery

Flash drives are considered more reliable in data storage security than FDDs, CDs, and DVDs. They cannot get scratches; they are well protected against mechanical influences … However, the flash drives can also be damaged, which may require the recovery of the information recorded on them.

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7 Tips on How to Keep Data Secure While Working Remotely

With the spread of COVID-19 and many businesses now having employees working from home, data security should be a high priority. Telecommuting is not new, but in the past, not that many employers allowed their employees to work remotely.

hard disk recovery service toronto

Given the current state of things and many places ordering mandatory “stay-at-home” and “shelter-in-place” orders for nonessential workers, businesses of all sizes have had to rethink how they do business and conduct day-to-day operations.

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