How Sharing Your Location Can Put Your Safety at Risk

Every day on social networks we share an incredible amount of information about ourselves, and about people close to us, very often unconsciously. One of the most commonly shared information that almost everyone overlooks is sharing your current location according to TIM Data Recovery Toronto. Every social network in one way or another encourages us to write where we are at the moment. On Facebook, when we write status, a friendly message pops up that encourages us to “share with friends” where we are. 

Snapchat broadcasts the current location, without question. All the people we have as friends on that app can know where we are at any time. There is even a rule on Instagram that we must mark the place where we eat, drink coffee or go to training, so that the owners of those places can share this on their profiles that are followed by hundreds of thousands of people. The question of location is not raised often, so most people are not aware of the dangers that this information can expose us to. 

When we mark the cafe where we are sitting, we have not only shared that information with our friends, but with the whole world. This is especially dangerous if it is a child. The predator can check exactly where the child is sitting, how many friends he or she is with in a given location, and he can also guess how long he will stay and which way he will go home. A predator does not have to attack a child when he leaves the bar or from training, he can do it in the toilet of a cafe or shopping center. 

It is very important to explain to children that they should never share their location on social networks while they are at a given location. We need to raise awareness about this problem, because our child does not have to be the one who will share where he is. It can be anyone from a group of friends. Talk to your children and introduce them to the dangers. Explain to them that, if it is important to them that their friends know where they have been, they can tag the store, cafe or playroom in the photo they will post when they return home, and when they know they are safe. Sharing a location is not safe for adults either, who know how to be as reckless as children about this issue. There are numerous accidents where parents, by marking the location, clearly emphasized that they are not at home and thus directly exposed their children to danger who are alone, or will be alone when they return from school. In this way, the parents contributed to the robberies of their own homes and the kidnappings of their children, without having any bad intentions. Social networks have accustomed us to “brag” about where we are at the moment. Find us on BrownBook and SaleSpider.

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